Amy Guy

Raw Blog

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Blogging with Linked Data

An update; sort an explanation of why I haven't posted anything recently.

I really want more control over my blog data.

I think Linked Data is great and the only way to make it more useful is to use it more.

I'm sick of Blogger's JavaScript heavy wysiwyg editor that doesn't work properly on low-bandwidth connections, or on my Kindle in emergencies.

I want to author blog posts in markdown, add whatever metadata (like tags) I need, and publish them via whatever means I have to hand. From a browser, from a text editor and command line, from an email, from a tweet?

So I'm working on Slog'd: Semantic Blog from Markdown.

I already wrote a wee Python script to convert my existing Blogger posts to linked data: Blogger2LD. I'm making a web interface for this so you can do yours... and I'll do it for Twitter, too. Then who knows what else will follow.

I'm still twiddling with Slog'd itself - which I'm writing in PHP and storing triples in a MySQL database using the ARC2 library, because I want anyone with any bog-standard shared hosting and no understanding of linked data to be able to use this. You can watch progress on Bitbucket.

I've been blogging every detail as I go along. These are in the posts directory in the Slog'd repo, rather than on here.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Paper accepted to WWW

My first paper has been accepted to the SOCM14 workshop at WWW.

That means I get to go to Seoul, South Korea, in April!

I'll post a pre-print at some point.